Monday, January 25, 2010


As we were finishing our delicious dinner Jacques made us we started talking about desserts. Which ALWAYS follow a great meal. We have some cookies-n-cream in our freezer...that will do. Our Irish lad Enda was saying he didn't have ice cream in a long time. And I asked him if they have chipwiches in Ireland. He replied "chickwiches?" nooooo "chip-switch?", noooo CHIPWICH! Two delicious chocolate chip cookies with a thick layer of creamy vanilla ice cream in between, not to be out done by the chocolate chip layer on the perimeter of the ice cream. Delicious. We have not found them in Puerto Rico, yet! I will definitely be on the prowl...gonna be doggin the ice cream man TOMORROW. Anyhoo, Enda is heading out to Costa Rica in March and we are trying to get him prepped for moving out there. (Jacques and I are "seasoned vets"). First thing you do when you get off the plane...go into a store and bee-line it to the freezer section and purchase a TRIT. It shits on the chipwich..trits eat chipwiches for breakfast. Ok, let me calm myself down because my heart rate goes up over these things. Details: the trit is similar to the chipwich but more like a delicious distant cousin. The cookies are a cross between a graham cracker and a sugar cookie. The ice cream is more of a sweet, sweet custard. And the three (or four) dollops of rich, gooey chocolate on the bottom are the icing on the cake. They are $1 (when Jacques and I were there) and I could eat them everyday, all day for the rest of my life. I would be 500lbs, but my big fat smile would never leave my face. Yum. I wish they had trits in Puerto Rico. Enda, eat as many trits as you can because you will miss them if and when you leave Costa.

1 comment:

  1. A trit looks better than a chipwich. I do not like chipwiches, I may like trits.
